ESR220 - winter 2010 banner

Lecture 3: Energy and Matter

January 12, 2010

9:00 1. problems and action


Reading for today was Chapter 2
9:10 2. mass balance

3. energy

9:40 4. two together
9:55 5. dissipative structures


1. Matching actions to problems

problems and actions

social and environmental entrepreneurship

scaling - entrepreneurial approach to social and environmental problems


2. Mass balance

Law: Matter is conserved

stoichiometry equations

C6H12O6 + 6 O2<---> 6 H20 + 6 CO2

molecular weights

H = 1
C = 12
N = 14
O = 16

example: keeping track of carbon vs carbon dioxide

  • 1 gal of gas = about 3.8 liters = 6.3 lbs
  • 1 gal of gas has 5 lbs of carbon
    • MW of octanol (C8H16O2) = 144
    • Carbon in octanol is 8 * 12 = 96
    • 96/144 is 2/3 or 67%
    • but gasoline has other compounds (between 5 and 10 carbons)
    • average weight of carbon is 87%
    • .87 * 6.3 = 5.5 lbs of C per gallon of gas
  • see
  • burning 1 gal of gas makes
    • 3.7 * 5.5 = about 20 lbs of CO2
    • 3.7 is (MW CO2)/(MW C)
  • important to keep track of whether you are following C or CO2

1 metric ton of C is 1000 kg or 2200 lbs

If you drive your car 20,000 miles per year, how many tons of carbon do you produce?




3. Energy

1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics hold for environmental conditions

1 - energy is neither created nor destroyed

transformed to different forms

2 - every transformation is accompanied by a loss of quality or usability

generate low grade energy as heat


1st law - accounting for all the energy in making a car move

  • energy used
    • energy in gas - molecular structure - energy in CO2 and H2O is total available
  • change in energy potential (net elevation gain)
  • equals the total of all losses
    • engine efficiency (combustion, control, friction etc.)
    • rolling and wind friction
    • acceleration work

2nd law

  • each transformation of energy has an inefficiency
  • chemical to heat
  • heat to mechanical
  • mechanical to mechanical
  • etc.


Short written, then discussion of energy efficiency

What do you think it means when applied to:

a machine?

an organism?

an ecosystem?


4. Energy and Matter

In ecosystems, energy is transmitted as light, chemical, and heat

Light energy is converted to chemical bond energy

molecules of carbohydrates, proteins, nucleotides, lipids all have higher energy than CO2 and water

food - is both energy content and material (C, N, P and other elements)

  • for example:
  • we eat sugar --> C go to biochemicals, energy goes to what's stored and what's lost
    • i.e. following carbon in sugar molecules is the same as following the energy
    • but - carbon content IS NOT the same as energy content (it's a proxy)
  • carbohydrates have about 4 kcal/g (glucose has 696 kcal per mole)
  • fats have about 9 kcal/g (much more energy efficient per weight)

follow energy and C in an organism

carbohydrates --> stored as organic carbon and CO2

energy in carbohydrates --> stored in biochemicals and lost as heat

two very closely related models

but follow energy and P or N (such as in algae or plant growth)

separate, almost independent flows


5. Dissipative structures

Another law of thermodynamics is that when systems are functioning away from equilibrium they "spontaneously" set up structures to dissipate the energy. These structures are crucial parts of natural systems.


Bernard Cells -énard_cell

pulsing may be the natural characteristic of a system (and constancy a special case of particular parameters)

Prigogine - SLAFE

dissipative structures provide ability to respond dynamically

deliberately out-of-balance

heart pacemaker has a chaotic driver - can't settle into a set rhythm

over a period of time - these average out to a constant level

time - longer scale

space - larger scale







Last modified on January 13, 2010 by John Rueter