Lecture 11: Drivers for climate change
Thur, Feb 11, 2010
1. Climate |
2. Biomes |
3. climate change drivers |
4. consensus science |
5. abrupt climate change scenarios |
1. Climate
Earth is a heat engine
- more energy in the equatorial region is dissipated toward the poles
- ocean currents carry much of this energy
- more heat trapped means more energy dissipated
local climate is determined by
- global currents
- latitude
- altitude
- relationship to other geological features (orographic effects)
2. Biomes and ecoregions
3. Climate change drivers
from chapter
figure 19-A with positive and negative drivers
resist |
amplify |
aerosols |
greenhouse gases |
ice and snow |
decreased albedo |
CO2 removal by plants |
CO2 emissions from deforestation and degradation |
heat and CO2 into oceans |
heat and CO2 from oceans |
positive feedback is the most dangerous (link)
4. Consensus science
There are multiple definitions of "consensus".
see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consensus_decision-making
Climate action such as in Copenhagen- all countries must agree
climate science -
- individuals, groups and models agree on major points
- use this to identify the areas in which they don't agree
- prioritize crucial areas of disagreement for potential impact and push for more research in those areas
- examples:
- tundra melting and methane
- polar ice caps and albedo
- iron fertilization of ocean phytoplankton
5. Abrupt Climate Change