ESR220 - winter 2010 banner

Lecture 10: Habitat fragmentation and advising

Thur, Feb 4, 2010

  1. Habitat fragmentation


Reading for today was the habitat fragmentation pdf.



  2. Design of reserves
  3. in-class advising


1. Habitat fragmentation

General concept -

  • an expansive ecosystem is carved up into smaller pieces by roads, buildings, other structures and human activity
  • claim from somewhere - can't remember -
    • In the USA you're never more than 40 miles from a road.
    • Never more than 18 miles from a human built structure (radio tower, etc.)
  • but the terms are used many ways

go through Fahrig

  • the term is used many ways
  • how is it used in practice - look at many articles
  • if it's used too much and too loosely it looses meaning, that ability to differentiate or to add information
  • ecology and especially environmental science are ill-structured domains of knowledge

this type of article makes a very important contribution

  • review of what's been done
  • synthesis and some evaluation/categorization
    • others on problems, uncertainty, etc.
  • makes it possible to bring more disciplines into address the question


Network description


2. Design of reserves

species area curves that come from Island Biogeography Hypothesis




3. in-class advising

general information

choosing a degree

fill out the sheets with your projection



Last modified on February 3, 2010 by John Rueter