Connections per node -This is a simple average of the number of flows from one node to another. In our example, we have 8 links and 7 nodes. The average connections per node is 8/7 = 1.14. Even very complex food webs might only have 2 connections per node.
Longest direct distance - By inspecting the network, determine which two nodes are furthest apart and how many connections it takes to tie them together. In a network of 7 nodes the furthest any two nodes could be from each other is 6 links. In the example lake network shown above the maximum distance is 3 (from P1 to H2).
Connectivity - The connectivity is the number of links as a porportion of the theoretically possible number of links. In this approach we are not allowing internal links (for example from P1 to P1) which means that the number of possible links is (number_of_compartments)*(number_of_compartments -1). In our example this is
8 links /(7*6) = .19
NOTE: This is a very weakly connected network because it is so short. The predator level has no inputs from above and the G level have no connections below.
and see for example -- foodweb network