
Week 5 Assignment

Due Monday, May 5 before class


Use the competition spreadsheet (nutrient-competition.xlsx).

Modify the parameters for Umax and K1/2 for species A and B so that you get some interesting comparison.

Part 1: Run the simulation and then describe the features of the for example if your time course looked like this below, you might start by saying that

  • between time 0 and 10 the resources drop because ....
  • resources increase because ...
  • B eventually ....
  • A eventually ...


But maybe you will find a more interesting curve


Part 2: Then run the simulation to steady state, showing competitve exclusion by one of the species, but go halfway down the steady state and insert a "pulse" of nutrients so that you get a curve that looks like this (below). Describe it as you did for part 1.

image 2