Due - May 21
Describe what is going on with the seasonal pattern of algal growth, O2 and pH in the "Walker Model" output.
Walker model
Oregon DEQ TMDL model
Due - June 2
Powerpoint presentation focusing on:
- explaining the competition between two species,
- how you modeled that in Excel,
- how well your simulation matched the study
- how can you describe the use of a simulation to discuss data
- any insights you had because of the simulation or questions that should be addressed in future studies
Due - sometime during finals week (remembering the super-strict grading policy, LOL as my daugher would text)
short paper that addresses:
- identify several models for algal growth that were discussed
- strengths and weaknesses of those models in predicting/tracking algal growth
- **** something else here, can't remember *****
- do you think these models need to be improved to include adaptation, competition and autogenic succession factors (would it be worth the effort)?