1. humic acid algistatic
- avoid severe blooms and resulting crashes by dampening the bloom
- slower initial growth allows zooplankton to keep up
- link - afa-daphnia-model.html
2. Biomanipulation - i.e. adding fish
- current system has
- many small fish, fewer zooplankton, lots of algae
- add big hungry fish
- big fish, fewer small fish, more zooplankton, less algae
3. Biomanipulation - paying attention to the stoichiometry of C:N:P
- add pike leads to increase in Daphni
- zooplankton community had lower N:P
- i.e. more P into zooplankton
- increased grazing leads to lower residence time of nutrients in the water, especially P
- management implications
- reference - Elser et al 2000
4. Mixing
- sinking rates and buoyancy rates favor different species
- can manipulate mixing
- aeration - bubblers
- Solar Bee - epilimnion
- link - ukl-algae-competition.html
- reference - Huisman-etal-1999.pdf
5. Micronutrient cycling
- iron is required for N2-fixation metabolism
- extra Fe in nitrogenase complex
- extra Fe in all the photosynthesis to handle the extra energy requirement
- iron can come from Fe3+/Fe2+ cycling or siderophores
- Fe3+ has low solubility, but under reducing conditions can form Fe2+
- siderophores bind to Fe3+ and transport them to cyanobacteria and eubacteria
- repressible synthesis of siderophores
- higher cyano populations can "share" production of siderophores which otherwise diffuse into lake
- bloom formation model - see reference to Molot et al 2014
- P determines biomass
- Fe regulates whether it can be N2 fixing or not
- Fe is made available by anoxic sediments if conditions are stable
- buoyancy, vertical movement is important
- model can be used to improve success
- sulfate availability can lead to tying up Fe as FeS
- basin morphology
- sewage treatment should reduce Fe as well
- hypolimnetic oxygenation could block Fe recycling