Nutrient competition
APFA fixes N2
diatoms need Si
USGS - Eldridge, Wood and Echols 2012
seasonal pattern of APFA to MSAE
Kahli McDonald 2009 - honors thesis
APFA does best with N:P 46, MSAE does best with N:P 103
get - Yamamoto, Y., 2009, Environmental factors that determine the occurrence and seasonal dynamics of Aphanizomenon flos-aquae: Journal of Limnology, v. 68, no. 1, p. 122–132.
Buoyancy/Eddy Diffusivity
APFA is strongly buoyant
MSAE less buoyant
Diatoms require
Huis man et al. 1999 - reference that talks about competitive advantage of different eddy diffusivities
diatoms vs. microcystis
APFA controls the light availability in
Xu-etal-2009.pdf -----APFA, MSAE and Cylindrospermopsis photosynthesis and P metab
In Harmful Cyanobacteria link
Miller, Beversdorf, Chaston and McMahon 2013 PLoS ONE miller-etal-2013.pdf