

Phytoplankton are:

  • algae that float in the water
  • eukaryotic
  • prokaryotic
  • dominant forces in local and global biogeochemistry
  • major factor in fresh and marine water quality
  • all of the above

That was the last multiple choice test for this course.


Class is on
M and W from 2 to 4 PM

Instructor is
John Rueter, Professor ESM


Explore the physiological basis for the dominant roles that algae play in aquatic ecosystems. This includes the relationships between:

  • light and photosynthesis
  • nutrient concentration, uptake rate and growth
  • cell composition and growth rate
  • competition between algal species based on nutrients and light

These factors will be used to understand how models of phytoplankton growth are used in water qualtity modeling such as in the Upper Klamath Lake and others.


PvsE all lines poisson
Provisional schedule Syllabus Assignments and Grading