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Schedule for Spring 2014

Class time

Tuesday from 2 to 4 PM

Classroom to be announced at the last minute


Field trip scheduled for

There is one field trip to a facility that has all sorts of very interesting combiations of collection, pumping and solar energy.

The trip is scheduled for May 6. We will leave right at 2 PM and might be getting back a little after 4.


Schedule of presenations and activities

  Date Topic and activity notes
  Tue Ap 1
Global demand for appropriate scale solutions.
Introductions to basics of electricity
  Tue Ap 8
Campus tour of solar power and links to tracking solar power on campus
  Tue Ap 15
How photovoltaic panels work
Setting a PV panel to drive a load
Estimation of water demand
Basic types of pumps
  Tue Ap 22 Measuring pump characteristics
flow vs head, voltage : current : flow rate

OIT conference
  Tue Ap 29 Pump characteristics and controllers
Solar water pumping project design
Social context for projects and acceptance
KBMP meeting
  Tue May 6 Field trip - leave right at 2 PM  
  Tue May 13 Pipes, valves and tanks
selecting, cutting, gluing, and going back to the store
  Tue May 20 Measuring and estimating solar input for sizing of panels to match project  
  Tue May 27 presentation work session and answering  
  Tue June 3 Group presentations instructions and rubric for presentations
  June 9 -13 Finals week instructions and rubric for final paper