
Instructions for the final paper

Purpose of the final paper

This final paper allows you an opportunity to provide additional information about your group project. In addition you should use this paper to provide an evalutation of the feasibilty, practicality and overall design considerations of your particular project. You may want to provide ideas on how the general group project could be modified for specific other uses.

Format and requirements

The paper should be 2 to 3 pages long including figures and references.

You should provide a short summary of the group project and then address points that you think could be improved, cheaper, or changed in some other way. You should also provide an evaluation of the project both overall and specific points.

The paper must be in your own words but you may use graphics or other elements from the group work, but you must identiry who actually created those elements and give them credit.


Your final paper will be worth 15 points and graded based on these basic points.