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ESM 150

Module 9

  1. Overview of PSU
  2. ESM is your home
  3. Prepare to attend
  4. UNST
  5. Where you stand
  6. Careers
  7. Getting Involved
  8. General advice
  9. Assemble your plan
  10. Get started




Planning your future is similar to dealing with environmental problems:

Environmental problems are complex and uncertain, just like your future. Some of the same tools that we use in our discipline can be applied in your personal life. For example, you can create several desirable scenarios to make your future career more concrete and try to visualize how different choices might turn out. Or you might address the uncertainty in your future by identifying the sources of uncertainty and assessing which of those sources you have any control over. Our discipline provides many intellectual tools to make decisions and preparing for the future.


Consider this question:

write a personal statement