Module 4 assignment
We are starting to assemble your advising portfolio. Send me the following information about UNST and Study Abroad via D2L dropbox.
(This assignment is repeated on the D2L dropbox page.)
If you are a freshman:
- What FRINQ, SINQ and cluster you plan to take.
- What do you intend to get out of these courses - refer to the UNST learning objectives
If you are a transfer student:
- What FRINQ, SINQ and cluster you plan to take.
- What do you intend to get out of these courses - refer to the UNST learning objectives
If you are a current PSU student:
- What FRINQ, SINQ and cluster have you taken?
- What did you get out of these, see the learning objectives for UNST?
- What courses do you plan to take to finish your program?
- What do you intend to get out of these courses - refer to the UNST learning objectives
For everyone:
- If you could study abroad (money and time, no object) where would you go?
- Do you think you could modify your course schedule to study abroad?
- Do you think you could afford the extra expenses to study abroad?
- Did you see any programs that might fit your constraints?

Salmon sculpture at the Native American Center. This building also has a very interesting native plant green roof. |