
Opening slide
Main points today
- benefits of local solutions
- how to know when you need a big solution
- examples of local solutions
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Week 8: Local Solutions to Environmental Problems
Risks and Benefits of Local Solutions
Limits to local solutions
- open system - inflow and outflow are large or dominate - hydrologic cycle
- the problems may be bigger than we think - local solutions might be too small of a response
- border or boundary issues
- political will
- subsidies needed from the larger economy
- necessary but not sufficient - biodiversity
- suggested by class
- food production, distribution, security
- transit (parking, etc) is inherently local
- smart growth and urbanization (see the description of the factors that lead to sprawl)
- use of renewable energy, distribution
- PacifiCorp - energy sharing community
- use search engine to find examples of "smart microgrid"
- smart city design for transit vs. sprawl