1. Lecture slides and notes:

Review - IPAT

First "law" of ecology - Everything is connected

Population Growth Models


Human population growth and resources

  • models
  • simple resource limitation
  • Malthus - population increases exponentially,
  • Boserup - human activity on the land changes productivity

Demographic transition

  • development (lower mortality, economic growth, control birth rates)
  • factors that are associated with the demo transition
    • can't prove causal linkages
    • what's your plan for development

Population growth and poverty

Ethics of change effort


2. In-class assessment:


In the context that "everything is connected"

and the statement that "correlation is not necessarily cause":

1. Explain in your own words why "correlation is not necessarily cause"

2. Give an example of how the list of factors on the demographic transition page may have helped move a population out of the population growth/poverty trap.


3. Reading in the text - "Multiple Perspectives and Approaches to Complex Environmental Problems"

Reading: Chapter 5: Systems



4. Readings from Wikipedia and Encyclopedia of Earth:


5. On-line activities:


Hans Rosling - TED Talk (10 minutes)


introductory simulation model to learn how the program works

population growth models to compare exponential vs. limited growth

demographic transition - to be added


6. Learning objectives:

week 2 learning objectives


7. Link to the on-line assignment:

This "quiz" or "on-line assignment" pulls questions from the learning objectives. You are expected to study the material and then take the quiz. You can use the website to answer the questions but you cannot, ethically, use your friends or classmates as resources. All work that you write down is to be a reflection of your understanding.

The quiz has several straight forward questions and one question at the end that is in the format of a analysis (identify important parts) and synthesis (put back together).

go to D2L and look for week2-quiz


8. Week 2 Quiz feedback


last edited by John Rueter on Wed, January 18, 2012