Day  Three:
Stop 11: Dunes Overlook

After viewing the elk, we debated whether to stop for a bathroom break or head to the next stop.  As I knew there was a nice bathroom with running water, I persuaded everyone to keep going.  Well, it was Mother's Day, the parking lot was crowded, and the bathrooms were closed.  A lot of people headed for bushes.  Picture to the right courtesy of Melissa Riopel.

The back dunes were massive amounts of sand with some beach grass starting to take hold

Between the back dunes and the foredunes, was a deflation hollow filled with vegetation, such as this willow

Salal (above), evergreen huckleberry and kinnickinnick are among the plants in the deflation basin that I use in my yard at home.

Shore pines were growing in among the grass
and scotch broom (looking beautiful with yellow flowers) in the basin.

Looking along the foredune, with the beach on the left and the deflation basin to the right.

Finally, the beach, and lovely large ripple marks in the sand.

People wandered for a while and splashed in the water, then ...

... made the long hot trek back uphill through the sand.

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