Tie Contour



How to get there

From the Document Menu, choose Document Options and select Ties. Click the Tie Contour button.

What it does

Use the Tie Contour dialog box to define global settings for the length, height, and overall shape and appearance of ties.

Ties are identified by their spans—short, medium, and long. Each span has its own settings for appearance and shape. The height of a tie varies, depending on the span and other settings in the Tie Contour dialog box. Finale uses the Height settings in the Tie Contour dialog box to calculate the curve of the arc when a tie is drawn. Separate Height settings for the left and right sides of the arc allow very precise control over the curve. Note that the "height" setting is not the tie’s actual height, but the height of the tie’s control points, which Finale uses (along with the Inset setting) to calculate the curve of the arc. When a tie is drawn, its height does not quite reach the control point height. Combined with the Height and Span settings, the Inset setting determines a tie’s overall shape. Inset controls the amount of "hook" at tie’s endpoints.

Changes to these settings affect all ties to be added to the score as well as ties already in the score (note that you can override some settings for individual ties—see Tie Alterations dialog box).

Note: This setting only affects ties already in the score when Avoid Staff Lines is selected in the Tie Alterations dialog box for a tie. See Tie Alterations dialog box.

See Also:

Tie Alterations

Edit Menu

Document Options-Ties

