Tie Alterations



How to get there

Click the Special Tools Tool  image\Special_Tools_Tool.gif, and click the measure containing ties to edit. Click the Tie Tool. Three handles appear on each tie in the measure. Double-click the starting or ending handle of a tie you want to edit. The Tie Alterations dialog box appears.

What it does

Use the Tie Alterations dialog box to change the appearance and placement of individual ties in the score. Settings in the Tie Alterations dialog box for an individual tie override the global tie settings in Document Options-Ties and Tie Contour dialog boxes. To edit all the ties in your document on a global basis, from the Document Menu, choose Document Options and select Ties. See Document Options-Ties and Tie Contour dialog box for details.

Note: Instead of changing settings in the dialog box, you can drag individual ties by their handles to change their placement and shape onscreen as well as flip ties using ctrl-F. As the tie’s position changes, Finale updates the Tie Direction, Start and End, Height, and Inset settings in the Tie Alterations dialog box to match your adjustments.

Enter a value (in measurement units) into the Start V: text box for the vertical distance of the tie’s left end over or under the first tied note. A larger number moves the tie up and a smaller number moves the tie down.

Enter a value (in measurement units) into the End H: text box for the tie’s distance horizontally from the inside edge of the second tied note. A smaller number moves the tie to the left, farther away from the note. A larger number moves the tie to the right, closer to the note.

Enter a value (in measurement units) into the End V: text box for the vertical distance of the tie’s right end over or under the second tied note. A larger number moves the tie up and a smaller number moves the tie down.

When Inset Fixed is the selected Inset Style, enter a value (in measurement units) into the Inset text box. Inset is a fixed number that applies to the three spans. The tie ends are always hooked by this amount, regardless of the tie length. Enter a lower number to hook the tie end more, curving it more sharply. Enter a higher number to hook the tie end less, flattening it.

See Also:


Document Menu

Special Tools Tool

Document Options-Ties

