Expression Tool



Expressions are markings that tell the performer how to interpret (or express) a musical passage. In Finale, expressions are generally symbols or text placed above or below the staff (see Expressions). Dynamic markings, tempo indications, expressive text, technique text, and rehearsal letters are all generally added as expressions. Expressions have the ability to adjust according to spacing changes in the music. For example, when you apply music spacing changes, expressions will move to the appropriate position in the measure. Like chords and lyrics, all expressions can be set to snap to a baseline so they are aligned at the same distance above or below the staff.

Expressions can be added to the score quickly using metatools. For information on creating and using expression Metatools, see Metatools.



Contextual menus are reached by control-clicking on the handle of an object. A contextual menu will be displayed where you can select various items. They will also state whether the expression is attached to a note or a measure.


Text expression handles

Menu item

What it does

Assign to All Staves

Adds the expression to every staff

Assign to Staves

Opens the Assign to Staves dialog box, where you can choose or define an Assignment List

Edit Expression Assignment

Display the Expression Assignment dialog box

Edit Text Expression Definition

Display the Text Expression Designer dialog box

Remove Manual Adjustments

Moves expression to default positioning


Check this option to show, or uncheck to hide (on the printed page)

Relink to Score (parts only)

Restore the link to its corresponding score item

Unlink In All Parts (score only)

Break the link between the score and this item in all parts

Relink In All Parts (score only)

Restore the link to all corresponding items in parts


Removes selected expression


Shape expression handles

Menu item

What it does

Edit Expression Assignment

Display the Expression Assignment dialog box

Edit Shape Expression Definition

Display the Shape Expression Designer dialog box

Edit Shape Expression Graphically

Displays bounding box handles for graphically editing the shape expression

Remove Manual Adjustments

Moves expression to default positioning


Check this option to show, or uncheck to hide (on the printed page)

Relink to Score (parts only)

Restore the link to its corresponding score item

Unlink In All Parts (score only)

Break the link between the score and this item in all parts

Relink In All Parts (score only)

Restore the link to all corresponding items in parts


Removes selected expression


See Also:


Main Tool Palette

Expression Menu

