Courtesy clef changes

When a clef change occurs at the beginning of a new line, it’s customary to alert the musician by placing a smaller, “warning,” clef change at the very end of the previous line. You can, if you wish, instruct Finale not to display these courtesy clef changes.

To globally prevent courtesy clefs from displaying

  1. From the Document Menu, choose Document Options, then select Clefs. The Clef options appear.
  2. Click “Display Courtesy Clef at End of Staff System” to de-select it. Finale will no longer display these warning clefs, unless you re-select this checkbox.
  3. Click OK (or press return).

To prevent courtesy clefs from displaying in a single measure.

See also Change Clef dialog box.

  1. Click the Measure Tool image\Measure_Tool.gif, and double-click the handle on the measure where the courtesy clef change occurs. The Measure Attributes dialog box appears.
  2. Select Hide Cautionary Clefs, Key and Time Signatures.
  3. Click OK.
