Change Clef


How to get there

Click the Clef Tool  image\Clef_Tool.gif, then double-click any measure to enter a clef change at the beginning of the measure. To enter a mid-measure clef, highlight a region beginning where you would like to enter the clef change, then double-click the highlighted region (or press Enter). See Selecting music. Or, in Simple Entry, select a note, press Option-Shift-C, and then Select.

What it does

In this dialog box you specify which clef you want to use and tell Finale whether you want it to occur at the beginning of the measure or somewhere in the middle.

Tip: Use Never at the end of a first ending repeat to set the clef for the second ending without displaying it.

If you want to change the measure you clicked through the end of the piece, select the middle option. If you want to change the measure you clicked until the next measure of a different clef, click the lower option.

See Also:


Clef Tool

Clef Designer dialog box

