GER 101 • Fall 2007
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PSU Academic Calendar & Final Exam Schedule

The course will cover Kontexte 1-8 or maybe through 9, at a rate of one Kontext per week, with some time taken along the way for tutorials and tests. Since students do not exist for courses, but rather courses for students, the schedule will be adjusted to suit the needs of the learners. Humanity will not be sacrified to expediency. Besides, in good learning the journey is more important than the destination. :-)

Dates are in the standard international sequence: dd/mm. Text altered with strikeout indicates material to ignore.

Activities, assignments, projects and tests (during the quarter) are listed in the week they are likely to occur or start. Because the sections meet on various days, have class periods of various length, and sometimes get out of phase with each other (due to holidays, etc.), each section's instructor will announce the start date for that section. Unless otherwise announced, assignments and writing tests done outside class are due ONE WEEK from that day (for a score of 4: sufficient on the "on-time" factor, where that is applied). Projects are due TWO WEEKS from the start date (for 4: sufficient on the "on-time" factor). Revisions of assignments, tests or projects are due ONE WEEK from the day the instructor returns (or tries to return) them to you.

1 Mo Di Mi Do Fr
24.09 25.09 26.09 27.09 28.09
Kontext 1: "Wie, bitte? Wer? Was?" top of page

Course goals, structure, materials, policies. Importance of classroom for learning the spoken language. Survey of learning styles, exploration of learning strategies. German from a wider perspective: Why are YOU learning German? Why do people learn German? What can German add to your studies, occupation, life? Course director visits to present "Big Picture" view of course.

Assignment #1: Get in touch! Is assigned on first day of class and due by next class meeting; but doing it even earlier gets you a better grade.

Assignment #2: Explore the course materials Is assigned on first day of class and due by the final class meeting of the FIRST week of classes; but doing it even earlier gets you a better grade.

Assignment #3: Take the online WebCAPE placement test for German and email your score to your instructor (or print the screen with your score and take it to your instructor. Note: Take the test even if you have never studied German. The test is “interactive-adaptive”: it ends after a few items if your responses to the items show that that you have little or no knowledge of the language. We will use the scores as base-line numbers for your later tests, and your test-taking behavior will help us counsel you about learning styles and strategies. Your score on the test does not affect your grade on the assignment; the only factor that does is when you take the test.

Resources for Allerseelen/ Allerheiligen & Hallow'een
2 Mo Di Mi Do Fr
01.10 02.10 03.10 04.10 05.10
Kontext 2: "Wo? Wann? Wieviel? top of page

Course director visits with presentation about assessment, scoring guides, tests, and grading

Practice writing test (ungraded) and self-evaluation tutorial (graded), covering Kontext 1; will be conducted class; uses the course generic Scoring Guide

Assignment #4: Let's learn about your learning styles and strategies in relation to language study. Is assigned on the last day of classes the FIRST SECOND week of the course and due by the next class meeting (first meeting of second third week of classes); but doing it even earlier gets you a better grade.

Listening comprehension test #1 - conducted in class, late in Week 2

Project 1: "German all around me" - instructors will activate the assignment and announce due dates for their own sections

3 Mo Di Mi Do Fr
08.10 09.10 10.10 11.10 12.10
Kontext 2 (continued) top of page

Talks & tutorials: how we learn; what it means to study and learn a language; course director visits with presentation about grammar: what it is, what it is not, how to learn it, how not to learn it

Assignment #5 Rate your own proficiency and your expectations for later proficiency - due 1 week after instructor activates the assignment

Practice oral test (ungraded) and self-evaluation tutorial (graded), covering through Kontext 2; will be conducted in class

Writing Test #1 - download and do outside of class; instructors will activate the test and announce due dates for their own sections

4 Mo Di Mi Do Fr
15.10 16.10 17.10 18.10 19.10
Kontext 3: "Fahrkarten und Pässe, bitte!" top of page

Oral Test #1 - conducted in class; instructors will announce dates for their own sections

Regular self-evaluations with writing samples begin (1 per Kontext)

5 Mo Di Mi Do Fr
22.10 23.10 24.10 25.10 26.10
Kontext 4: "Imbiß" top of page

Project 2: "Wir und unsere Familien • About Us and Our Families" - Instructors will activate the assignment and announce due dates for their own sections.

Resources for baseball in German-speaking countries (link to come)

6 Mo Di Mi Do Fr
29.10 30.10 31.10 01.11 02.11
Kontext 5: "Im Hotel" top of page

Regular assignments about internet news and culture begin (1 per Kontext)

Resources for Allerseelen / Allerheiligen / Halloween
7 Mo Di Mi Do Fr
05.11 06.11 07.11 08.11 09.11
Kontext 6: "Das Restaurant im Hotel" top of page

Postponed until next quarter: Assignment #4: Rate your proficiency - past, present, future; - Instructors will activate the assignment and announce due dates for their own sections.

Oral Test #2. Instructors will announce schedules for their own sections.

8 Mo Di Mi Do Fr
12.11 13.11 14.11 15.11 16.11
Kontext 7: "Am Fahrkartenschalter" top of page

Project 3: "Meine Traumreise - My Dream Trip" - instructors will activate the project and announce due dates for their own sections.

Writing Test #2. Instructors will activate the test and announce due dates for their own sections.

Resources for Thanksgiving / Erntedankfest

9 Mo Di Mi Do Fr
19.11 20.11 21.11 22.11 23.11
Kontext 7 (cont'd.) & Kontext 8: "Reiseproviant" top of page
10 Mo Di Mi Do Fr
26.11 27.11 28.11 29.12 30.11
Kontext 8 (cont'd.) top of page

Resources for Christmas and other winter holidays (link to come)

Final Examinations
Mo Di Mi Do
03.12 04.12 05.12 06.12

1930-2120 final for MW evening section

0800-0950 final for MWF 900-1005 section

1015-1205 final for MWF 1015-1120 section

0800-0950: final for TR 800-950 section
1230-1420: final for MWF 1130-1235 section

You may take your final with any section, but if you are not taking yours with your own section, please inform both instructors involved.

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