Meeting 06 • 17 April 2008 • Thursday



(X) = anticipated time in minutes
Key to notes added AFTER the class meetsL
√ = topic / activity that was adequately dealt with during the class
+ = topic needs more attention & will be resumed at next / subsequent meeting(s)
- = a topic / activity that was proposed but not carried out
Struckthrough text like this = a topic / activity that was proposed but not included is not going to be taken up after all
Italic text like this = comments after the meeting

Main Topic(s): Thinking through the first CBI project; more possibilities, closer specifications

ANNOUNCEMENTS / REMINDERS: I'll be in North Carolina at an assessment conference from Thursday to Sunday (24-27 April). Thursday's meeting will be a presentation by Mary Bastiani from Portland Public Schools

New sources: Stryker/Leaver Content-Based Instruction in FL - chapters 2-4 (previously assigned). NO NEW READING TILL NEXT WEEK. I intend to have the texts and other resources (from the book[s] or as links) on the schedule page by this coming Thursday.

Curtain/Pesola (Language for Children: Making the Match): info about kinds of language programs K-12 (0346) and time needing for learning (0345)

(45) The small CBI projects: 1) To get a feel for what it means to make the jump to CBI, let's walk through what it would mean to do art-based CBI. 2) What about the embedding curricular structure? (distinctive vs. gray boundaries between subject areas? at which levels in preK/20?). 2) Do the proposals fit the parameters for the assignment? If not, what do we do about that? 3) How do we avoid the tendency simply to take our subject area over into their subject area? 4) How this all fits into the larger structure of the course (mainly the next projects, but also things like field trips)

If needed: Chinese for dragon boat teams? Possibly split into small discussion groups for brainstorming.

(10) Break: Go get your coffee or your snack, but bring it back. We'll start promptly after 10 minutes, with or without you!

(20) Discuss activities (group, individual) for rest of course, and how they'll be evaluated. I'll push strongly for projects that develop CBI materials, in several curricular sizes. But we should also think about group activities (projects, field trips), recruiting support for CBI, and supporting other teachers who want to learn about CBI.

About lesson plans for FL classes: Rifkin in FLA (Summer 2003)

About thematic modules and the National [Foreign Langauge] Standards

(15) Continuation of presentation about the "Humboldt Project" - a long-term venture in CBI and beyond CBI. Some new factors (Civic Engagement, Internationalization Initiataivie). NOTE: Given the shortness of a 10-week quarter, I want to consider adding more structure to project #2 by urging people to do it within the framework of the HP, but with enough flexibility that it can standalone. If time: GER 399 "Science Fiction Radio Drama Production" and its earlier version, the "Papa Joe" Project;

NOTE: For new reading see the course schedule or the documents list (once I get it caught up again).

Upcoming class meeting(s) (#8 24 April 2008 Thursday)

Mary Bastiani's outline for the meeting:

1) PPS Content-based program models (partial immersion, dual language, FLES, HS content courses, etc.)
2) Underlying principles of CBI (Genesee Article on Integrating Language & Content: Lessons from Immersion)
3) Curriculum development considerations
4) Instructional strategies & assessment
5) Closure

Upcoming assignment(s)

This section offers a PREVIEW, not activated assignments. Assignments are made, with announcement of their deadlines, both in class and on the "schedule" page.

Start thinking about both Project #2 (Idea for extended CBI actifity, such as a two-week thematic module) and Project #3 (Idea for Large-Scale CBI - something on the course level)


Note, at the top of the "schedule" page, the new link to the cumulative reading list (the files that can be downloaded, that is)



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