Today | ||||||||||||||||||||
numbers in ( ) = minutes planned for activity/ topic |
Upcoming class meetings | ||||||||||||||||||||
14 January: the OPI - principles and lots of examples and practice |
Upcoming assignment(s) | ||||||||||||||||||||
This section offers a PREVIEW, not activated assignments. Assignments are made, with announcement of their deadlines, both in class and on the "schedule" page. The next topic (week 2, 12 & 14 January) is "Language 'gold standards'": ACTFL Guidelines, the standards and test instruments of the European, ••?? and the TOEFL Test. Also information about where to find other widely-circulated tests. The FL participants will get an assignment that emphasizes ACTFL Guidelines; ••?? the AL participants will get one that focuses on the TOEFL. All participants will rate themselves (or someone else) on the ACTFL scale, by comparison to its profiles. ••?? All participants will examine items from the TOEFL test. |
Announcements | ||||||||||||||||||||
Next Tuesday (19 Jan.): Short class meeting (out no later than 5:15), due to competing meeting at 5. |
Misc. | ||||||||||||||||||||
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