Deutsch 301 • Herbstsemester 2011 • Sitzung Nr. 20 • 30.11. Mi • Tagesordnung

√ = anwesend (nicht);
e = entschuldigt;
s= spät


Evan Bowman

Beth Holub

Laurel Jones

Stacie Looney

Michael Manca

Tim Meyer

Ivan Reihsmann
Ausstellung u. Präsentation

Caren Sutton


Vorige Sitzung: Vokabeln

zT = zum Teil - partly, partially

idealitisch - idealistic

zynisch - cynical

gesellschaftlich - social(ly)

öffentlich - public

aus diesem Grund - for this reason

Todesstrafe - death penalty

Volksbank -credit union (approx.)

Wahl - election

Präsidentschaftswahl- presidential election

überlegen - consider

mit X Jahren - at the age of X years

Es wäre besser, wenn …- It would be better, if…

Es wäre besser gewesen, wenn… - It would habe been better, if…

wäre vs. werde (sound nearly alike)

DANKE, Stacie L.

Unterlagen u. Grafiken [Zahlen in () beziehen sich auf meine Datenbanksammlung]

Fischer-Richardson, German Reference Grammar (revised link to come)

Schlüsselwort/begriff des Tages / der Woche

Zeit: Meinungen u. Werte (zum grössten Teil Wiederholung von Sitzung 19)

Ansicht - view

Haltung - attitude

Perspektive. Blickpunkt - perspective, point of view

Meinung - opinion

meinen - to think, opine, mean (NOT believe)

glauben - believe, think (NOT cogitate)

denken - think (cogitate, NOT believe)

Ich bin der (genitive) Meinung, daß… - I am of the opinion, that…

Ich teile die Meinung - I share the opinion

recht haben (with person) - (person) be right (NOT recht sein)

richtig/ falsch sein - is right, correct; wrong (of things)

unrecht haben - (person) be wrong (don't use FALSCH)

sich irren - to be wrong, in error

Lage - situation

Umstand (often as plural, Umstände) - circumstance(s), situation (unter Umständen - under [certain] circumstances

Zustand (often as plural, Zustände) - condition

Ursache - cause

Folge - effect

wahrscheinlich - probable/ly

bestimmt - certain(ly), definite(ly)

das stimmt - that's true, right, valid

begreifen - conceive, understand

unbegreiflich - inconceivable

(un)verständlich - (in)comprehensible

Begriff - concept

ernst - serious

lächerlich - ridiculous

geistig - spiritual

seelisch - mental, spiritual

religiös - religious

Ziel - goal

Zweck - purpose

Fortschritt - progress

Schritt - step

erreichen - achieve

sich überschneiden - overlap

Schwerpunkte (Zeichenerklärung)

SmallTalk: philosophische, geistige, seelische, religiöse Werte - Was für eine Rolle spielt das in unseren Zukunftsplänen, und in welcher Bedeutung?

Übungen (Fortsetzung von. Sitzung 17 u. 19): Welche Änderungen in unserem Leben haben wir zu bereuen / positiv zu betrachten?

Debriefing: past subjunctive with modals

Unsere Alltags- u. Fachkenntnisse: woher haben wir sie, wie haben wir sie gelernt? Heute: unsere moralischen Werte

Debriefing: language targets of the foregoing activity (more npebm wfsct)

Übung: Processes, bureaucratese, and the PASSIVE - the grammatical structure that says things and processes are more important than people. About that letter we printed and the bread we cut last meeting…? Expansion: Can we combine subjunctive, passive (and even those two with modal verbs, and in the past, so that we can criticize heavily)? Supplemental resources from Meeting 19, to be used at a higher level: changing a tire (also this link).

Zusammenfassung (mit einem Blick auf die Schlußaufsätze für Ihre Leistungsmappen): Unsere Ziele (im Leben, in unserer Ausbildung, usw. usw.) - Welche haben wir erreicht? nicht erreicht? zum Teil erreicht? Welche Fortschritte haben wir gemacht? Was sind unsere nächsten Schritte?

Was sind unsere Hauptziele, was unsere Nebenziele? Wie wichtig sind welche Ziele, besonders im Vergleich zueinander?

Wie - wenn überhaupt - überschneiden sich unsere Ziele?

Debriefing: revisions & portfolio; three purposes: establishing an actual portfolio, strengthening your German (especially the final essay), and documentating your activity and achievement in our course.

a comedy skit about a team of bumbling, incompetent workers

Wrap up: Course evaluations and plans for next quarter


• Final writing assignment (due in draft Wednesday, 30 November): "Mein Weg durch das Leben". Put together the things we've discussed this quarter, about your education, work, and life. Don't forget to think about the "SmallTalk" topics at the start of each class, where you told how various factors in life interacted with your occupational side. Write it all down in about 2 pages - aim for 500-1000 words. Try to show how much you've leanred (including how much German) since you wrote that early essay about "Meine Zukunft". But this is more than just about the future. "Lebensweg" means also how you got this far (and not just the biodata - your inner self as well). Think in terms of a "credo" - a personal statement about what you want from life, including work, how you're going to get there, and the tools you have acquired to help you do it. This piece of writing (and thinking) will be the basis of the group and individual activities during our meeting in our classroom Monday, December 5, from 1730-1920.

• Final translation activity (due Monday, December 5): At the meeting on Wednesday, 23 November, or possibly earlier, you'll receive a German passage that I'll try to relate to the specialized professional interest you expressed during the quarter (or you may choose any of the passages I offer anyone in the class). Translate the passage and format it as a finished document that can go into your portfolio, along with the original, to demonstrate your employable skill in translating printed German into careful English. Link to the translation texts.

Here are links to the sound files and transcriptions of clips we have listened to earlier: Vico Torriani clip; text • Peter und Litwina clip; text • Counterfeiter clip; text; defective product clip; text; "Wohnen mit Kindern" clipText;

Vorbereitung auf die nächste(n) Stunde(n)


Vorschau auf die nächste(n) Aufgabe(n) und Sitzung(en)

• Cumulative / integrative activity I: We'll meet during the usual finals time to conduct a summarizing activity and demonstration of speaking proficiency. I'll propose topics related to language learning, work, professional development, and life. The group will discuss them with me; the discussions will be videorecorded. I'll try to give everyone a fair chance to demonstrate skills and knowledge. The class will be divided into two groups, one group using the first hour of the exam slot, the other the second, so that everyone will have a chance to talk (and can't hide behind others!).

• Cumulative / integrative activity II: Assemble your Portfolio - essentially the collection of your activities in the course. Put it into a systematic form that could go in front of someone who has a job or a scholarship that you might have a chance at. Suggested organization: Your background in German; proofs of your skills in reading, writing, listening, translation, maybe even speaking (if you can figure out how to document that); your personal statement about how German might fit into your future, and what you want out of your education, your professional development, maybe even your life. Bilingual labels or short statements introducing the various parts of your portfolio would be nice ("Ich kann Deutsch übersetzen" / "I can translate German.") It's your decision whether to put into your portfolio everything you did in this course, or even whether to add to it something I don't even know about yet.