Deutsch 301 • Herbstsemester 2012
Sitzung Nr. 04 • 04.10. Do • Tagesordnung

√ = anwesend (nicht);
e = entschuldigt;
s= spät


















Vorige Sitzung: Vokabeln

Zahn - tooth

Klammer(n) - brace(s)

prüfen - check, test

beweisen - prove

sonst - otherwise, in addition

sonstig - additional

Schuljahr - grade (year of school)

Note - grade (score)0

gemein - common, vulgar

Abstammung - descent

ich bin deutscher Abstammung - I am of German descent

Austaush - exchange

Risiko (eingehen) - risk (take)

Lastkraftwagen (LKW) - truck

Zustand - status, condition

Umstand - condition, circumstance

Benzin - gasoline

Bremse - brake

bremsen - to brake

stocken - stop, get stuck, come to a halt

nicken - nod (head)

schütteln - shake (head, hands)

selbständig - independent, on own feet

freiberuflich - freelance professional

Unterlagen u. Grafiken [Zahlen in () beziehen sich auf meine Datenbanksammlung]

Kursbeschreibung; Fischer-Richardson, German Reference Grammar: introduction; topics; main text

Nees, Greg. "Germany: Unraveling and Enigma" (Amazon site and preview of chapter 1)

Schlüsselwort/begriff des Tages / der Woche

Sprachkompetenzen u. Sprachstudium, verwandter Hintergrund • language proficiency and background

Kenntnisse - knowledge

mündlich - oral

schriftlich - writing (in writing)

Hörverständnis - listening comprehension

sich ausdrücken - express oneself

sich verständigen - make oneself understood

versuchen - attempt

zum Teil - partially

fließend - fluent(ly)

Schwierigkeit - difficulty

einfach - simple/ simply

Gespräch - conversation

Wortschatz - vocabulary (collectively)

Vokabeln - vocabulary words

klar - clear(ly)

Schwerpunkte (Zeichenerklärung)

•√ SmallTalk: ••

•√ Weiter zur Schulung und Ausbildung: Lieblingsfächer in der Schule, gehasste Fächer; erste Arbeitserfahrungen; jetzige Arbeit

•√ Noch ein "ich über mich" Text, ziemlich informell: "LordMason" (und in der Computerübersetzung); Stärken und Schwächen von Übersetzungsanwendungen. Das alles als Vorbereitung auf eine spätere Aufgabe: Ihr Lebenslauf

•√ Wortschatzuntersuchung: alltägliche Vokabeln am Arbeitsplatz (Zimmereinrichtung; Verben cut, fold, tear, open, close, with tenses). Debriefing: are these "business" or just general vocabulary?

•√ Hörverständnisübung: Nachrichtenbericht (g00082): Ein großer Unternehmer ist tot

•√ Kurz - die Übersetzungsaufgabe (Studentinnen aus Irkutsk) - zu schwer? zu einfach?

•+ "SpeakEasy"? Was ist das denn? my conference presentation about SpeakEasy

•+ Weiter zum Kurs: Gestaltung der Website, Wochenplan u. Stundenpläne, Einzelheiten (Beschreibung)

•N Debriefing: the "hands-on" parts of the course - portfolio and SpeakEasy; English conversation: a) your job skills; b) your business experience (or that of someone you know)

•N Übung - wie gerade oben, aber jetzt in deutscher Sprache: Ihre praktischen Kenntnisse; Ihre Geschäftserfahrung(en)

Wrap up: assignments for the week and preparation for next meeting - see below


Due Tuesday (2 October): Read the course description and write, in English, a reflection about: 1) how the course fits into your larger PAST study of German; 2) how it fits into what you want from your study of German. Keep it to 1 page (250 words). Your reading and reflection will be the basis of class discussion of those topics, in German, on Tuesday, as preparation for when you compose your own career statement and résumé in German.

Read online the first chapter of Nees, Greg. "Germany: Unraveling and Enigma", and be prepared Tuesday to tell (in German) how you want to obtain the book: get the print version on your own, join others in a group order of the print version, or use the Kindle version.

Due Thursday (4 October): Read the "Ich über mich" statements by the students from Irkutsk who are participating in the TU Dresden course where they learn about German culture and ways of thinking. Note vocabulary that you can use in your upcoming personal statement. Translate into English either Oksana Zwira's or Irina Anziferowa's statement.

Due Tuesday, 9 October: Review future tense (werden and word order) in a grammar resource, such as Fischer-Richardson, German Reference Grammar: introduction; topics; main text. Write (in German) at least one page about "Meine Zukunft". Tell how you envision the next major part of your life, in its personal, educational, and career dimensions. It will help you to (re)read the personal statements we've read by people writing in German, and also what you've found in your "ich über mich" search. Here are some questions / topics to address:

1) Was sind Ihre Ziele im Leben / Beruf? (persönlich? psychologisch? beruflich? finanziell?)
2) Ihr weiteres Studium - nicht nur das Was, sonder Wie und Warum
3) Ihre zukünftigen Wohnverhältnisse - Wo? Mit wem? Wie? Warum?
4) Freizeit und Privatleben - Was, und wie hängt das mit Ihren Studien- und Berufsplänen zusammen?

This writing sample will have several uses. It gives me a detailed "baseline" picture of your writing proficiency. It will go into your portfolio as part of documenting your German proficiency and your plans for the future, for example if you want to apply for a scholarship or job. At the end of the quarter you may repeat the activity to show how much progress you've made in your German and how your thoughts about the future have evolved.

Vorbereitung auf die nächste(n) Stunde(n)

Begin searching, using (quoted) "ich über mich" and smart keywods, for a person in the German-speaking world who shares your educational, career, and even personal interests. This is preparation for assignments where you will translate that person's résumé and use its vocabulary to enrich your own résumé in German.

Upcoming: a listening assignment involving a relatively detailed biographical statement (Vico Torriani). Details to come Wednesday. I'm planning to alternate major assignments by starting writing assignments on Mondays, to be due a week later, so that you can ask questions during the Wednesday class (or by email), and then still have 5 days to work on them; listening assignments will come on Wednesdays (due following Wednesday).

Vorschau auf die nächste(n) Aufgabe(n) und Sitzung(en)

First listening assignment, with transcription, translation, and German paraphrase; specifications to come Thursday at the earliest

Next week's topic is "Career Skills and Educational Background / Work Experience": Think systematically about the workplace / professional skills you have or want to have, both for your intended occupation, and what might be of use to the "SpeakEasy" part of our course. Start gathering the vocabulary to name and describe them; best way is to find real web pages about real people (try combining the skill with "über mich" or "Lebenslauf" or "Ausbildung")