Aufgabe: A Defective Product – Activity Sheet

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Name __________________________________

Task: Print this page. Then listen to this news story about a defective product (g00081). Fill in the whatever blanks you see in the German transcription below. Then translate the text into English.

Here is the general scoring guide. There is also a detailed scoring guide for the instructor, but it reveals too much linguistic information for it to be seen until after you complete the activity.

___________: Der _______________________________ hat bestätigt, daß bei _______ Importeur in Ettlingen _______ __________ ________mit Methylalkohol __________________ Rotweins sichergestellt ______________ __________. 57 Kartons, mit jeweils 6 1.5 ________________________ der Marke Barbera d'Asti Pipiona des ___________ 1984 _________________ in _____ Handel. Aber __________ _____________ ist, wieviele _______ __________ worden. An _______ mit Methylalkohol versetzten Wein sind in Italien schon 8 Menschen gestorben.
