Sound file link: news story about a defective product (g00081). Scoring Guide: 6: In addition to level 4 words, correctly transcribes (though with a few minor errors of spelling) city named, the detail beyond the numerical quantity of the product, what happened with the product before the problem was discovered (2 pieces of info), and 2of the following: agency involved, technical term for the defect, the key detail about the product's identity, and the reference to information still missing, and the verb form or definite articles listed in the instructor scoring guide. Translation conveys 3 of these 4: what the agency did, exact quantities, what happened between production and consumption of the product, uncertainty about how much of the defective product is still unfound. Does not invent information, but instead indicates gaps. Translation is finished English, not tinged with German syntax. 4: Correctly transcribes all words (nouns, descriptive adjectives) typically encountered in first-year German (=ACTFL Intermediate-Mid for reading). Transcribes one word above that level. Translation conveys the product, the problem, the general action taken, the effect in Italy. No mis-translation of key facts, but probably clear interference of German syntax. 3: most of 4. 2: Correctly transcribes half of the words referred to in level 4. Translation conveys the product, the problem, and the effect in Italy. Key facts are ignored or mistranslated; key structures are not converted. 1: most of 2. |