Aufgabe: A Defective Product – Scoring Guide for Instructor

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Task link

Sound file link: news story about a defective product (g00081).

Scoring Guide:

6: In addition to level 4 words, correctly transcribes (though with a few minor errors of spelling) Karlsruhe, rund, gingen, verkauft, 2 of Wirtschaftskontrolldienst / vergifteten / Jahrgang / unklar, and either worden or both of dem / den. Translation conveys 3 of these 4: confiscation, exact quantities, going on the market, uncertainty about how many bottles sold. Does not invent information, but instead indicates gaps. Translation is finished English, not tinged with German syntax.

4: Correctly transcribes einem, 1600, Flaschen (twice), and one of either den or dem. Translation conveys red wine, methyl alcohol, confiscation, 8 deaths in Italy. No mis-translation of key facts, but probably clear interference of German syntax.

3: most of 4.

2: Correctly transcribes half of the words listed in level 4. Translation conveys red wine, methyl alcohol, and 8 deaths in Italy. Key facts are ignored or mistranslated; key structures are not converted.

1: most of 2.