William B. Fischer • Assignments, Tests & Deadlines last modified: 12/29/10

PSU tel: 503 725-5285 • FAX 503 725-5276 • email: fischerw@pdx.edu
office: 451-D Neuberger Hall (intersection of Broadway & Harrison in SW Portland)
faculty/ professional website: http://web.pdx.edu/~fischerw
language software website: http://www.cosmolingua.pdx.edu

Note: the "on-time" factor in the third and fourth columns applies mostly to assignments in GER 10X. See the scoring guides for the individual activities. NA = does not apply

Assignment / Activity

Date Activated / Conducted

Date due for 6 on "on-time" factor

Date due for 4 on "on-time" factor

GER 101/102/103 (my MWF section ONLY)

Assignment #1: email instructor

27 September 2010

27 September 2010

1 October 2010

Assignment #2: explore course materials (for all those new to PSU first-year German)

1 October 2010

before next class meeting

8 October 2010

Assignment #3: Take the online WebCAPE placement test for German

1 October 2010

NA. Grade is either A+ (took the test) or F (did not take the test).

Assignment #4: evaluate your own language proficiency


NA. See assignment description for scoring guide.

Project 1: This Language Is All Around Me

8 October

one week after activation

two weeks after activation

Writing Test #1

15 October

one week after activation

two weeks after activation

Oral Test #1

20 Oct. & office hrs.



Project 2: Wir und unsere Familien • About Us and Our Families

3 November

one week after activation

two weeks after activation

Writing Test #2

10 November

one week after activation

two weeks after activation

Oral Test #2

12 Nov. & office hrs.



Project 3: Meine Traumreise • My Dream Trip

24 November

one week after activation

at final writing exam

Weekly assignment: Tagesschau


GER 320/415/515 "SpeakEasy"





1 Bewerbung; reflection: my language proficiency

2 Eine Grußkartenverkaufsstelle; reflection: I think I "get it" (with IP consent)

3 Mögliche SpeakEasy-Verkaufsstelle

proposal for new type of card

Die Konkurrenz

FL 493/593 Assessment (not until Spring 2011)

Assignment 1: Reflection about an assessment your once experienced, in the light of a news article about assessment

Assignment 2: Evaluation of own language proficiency (if possible not your best foreign language)

Language Activity with Scoring Guide

Big Idea for a Major Project

LEFTOVER STUFF is below here; ignore it
Project 1: Einkaufen und Geschenke - Shopping & Gifts (see updated assignment for replacement of link to Quelle, which went out of business without informing me, as did East Germany in 1989)