Hometown: San Bernardino, CA
Birthday: November 16, 1979
Eye Color: Brown
Favorite Food: Cinnamon Toast Crunch
Hometown: San Diego, CA
Birthday: April 25, 1980
Eye Color: Blue
Favorite Food: Hamburger
Hometown: Laconia, NH
Birthday: September 4, 1980
Eye Color: Hazel
Favorite Food: Chicken Parmesan
Hometown: Bronx, NY
Birthday: September 23, 1979
Eye Color: Brown
Favorite Food: Sushi
Hometown: Redding, CA
Birthday: August 1, 1981
Eye Color: Blue
Favorite Food: Cereal
Album: O2: Live Sneak Peek
#3 for 20 weeks
Ashley is the only member of O-Town not to return for their reunion tour in 2014. But, really, who needs a boyband when you've got abs like these?
The dance itself isn’t all that awesome, but the song is where the gold’s at. These five guys are actually dancing to a song they wrote in dedication to wet dreams, all while water women dance around on platforms. I’m also pretty sure that this dance move may have inspired the song in the first place.