Heteroscedastic Regression Models

Readings and References:

Consider a general regression model F(Y,X,β) = ε ~ normal(0,Σ). Let the covariance matrix Σ = σ2Ω(α), then the corresponding log-likelihood function is

ll(β,α,σ2|Y,X) = -½N (ln(2π)+ln2)) -½ ln(|Ω|) -½ (1/σ2)(ε'Ω-1ε) + ∑i=1,2,...,N ln(|∂εi/∂Yi|)

The last term is the sum of log-Jacobians from εi to Yi over the entire sample. Since the variance term can be solved as σ2 = ε'Ω-1ε / N for a given Ω, the concentrated log-likelihood function is

ll*(β,α|Y,X) = -½N (1+ln(2π)-ln(N)) -½N ln(ε'Ω-1ε) -½ ln(|Ω|) + ∑i=1,2,...,N ln(|∂εi/∂Yi|)

It is clear that the maximum likelihood estimation is in general not equivalent to the nonlinear least squares unless Ω = I, the identity matrix, and ∂εi/∂Yi = 1 for each i=1,2,...,N. If Ω is known and the log-Jacobians vanish, it is the GLS (Generalized Least Squares) problem that minimizes ε'Ω-1ε.

Unfortunately, Ω = Ω(α) is not known and must be parameterized with a lower dimension α, which in turn is estimated together with the vector of model parameters β. The models with heteroscedastic and/or autocorrelated errors are the special cases of the general regression model in which Ω(α) is defined more specifically.

For simplicity, consider a regression model ε = F(Y,X,β) = Y - f(X,β). Then for each data observation i, ∂εi/∂Yi = 1. We assume further that the heteroscedastic error εi ~ normal(0,σi2). The log-likelihood function is

ll(β,σi2|Yi,Xi) = -½ [ln(2π) + lni2) + εi2i2]

Summing over a sample of N observations, the total log-likelihood function is written as

ll(β,σ1222,...,σN2|Y,X) = -½N ln(2π) -½ ∑i=1,2,...,Nlni2) -½ ∑i=1,2,...,Ni2i2)

Given the general form of heteroscedasticity, there are too many unknown parameters. For practical purpose, some hypotheses of heteroscedasticity must be assumed:

σi2 = σ2 hi(α)

where σ2 > 0 and hi(α) is indexed by i to indicate that it is a function of Zi. That is hi(α) = h(α|Zi), where Z is a set of independent variables that may or may not be coincide with X. Depending on the form of heteroscedasticity hi(α), denoted by hi for brevity, the log-likelihood function is written as

ll(β,α,σ2|Y,X) = -½N (ln(2π) + ln2)) -½ ∑i=1,2,...,Nln(hi) -½(1/σ2)∑i=1,2,...,Ni2/hi)

Let εi* = εi / √hi and substitute out the maximum likelihood estimator of σ2 with ε**/N, then the concentrated log-likelihood function is

ll*(β,α|Y,X) = -½N (1+ln(2π)-ln(N)) -½ ∑i=1,2,...,Nln(hi) -½N ln**)

The last two log-terms can be combined as:

ll*(β,α|Y,X) = -½N (1+ln(2π)-ln(N)) -½N ln****)

where ε** = ε*√h, and h = (h1h2...hN)1/N. It becomes a weighted nonlinear least squares probelm with the weighted errors defined by εi** = εi√(h/hi).

Consider the following special cases of hi = h(α|Zi) = h(Ziα):

  1. σi2 = σ2(Ziα), Ziα > 0
  2. σi2 = σ2(Ziα)2
  3. Exponential Heteroscedasticity: σi2 = σ2exp(Ziα)

    The corresponding concentrated log-likelihood function for estimation is

    ll*(β,α|Y,X) = -½N (1+ln(2π)-ln(N)) -½ ∑i=1,2,...,NZiα -½N ln**)

    where εi* = εi / exp(Ziα)½ for each observation i=1,2,...,N.


    ll*(βα|Y,X) = -½N (1+ln(2π)-ln(N)) -½N ln****)

    εi** = εi√(h/hi), h = (h1h2...hN)1/N, and hi = exp(Ziα) for each observation i=1,2,...,N.

  4. Multiplicative Heteroscedasticity: σi2 = σ2Πm=1,2,...,M Zimαm, where M is the number of variables in Zi. This is equivalent to the exponential case if the variables in Z are logs. That is, σi2 = σ2exp[ln(Zi)α]. A special case, with a single variable, is

    σi2 = σ2 Ziα

    If α = 0, the model is homoscedastic; If α = 2, it is the case (ii).


Given the data of per capita expenditure on public schools and per capita income from Greene's Table 12.1 (1997, p. 541) or GREENE.TXT, consider the following somewhat heteroscedastic relationship of public school spending (Y) and income (X):

Y = β0 + β1 X + β2 X2 + ε

Find and compare the maximum likelihood estimates based on the following hypotheses of heteroscedasticity:

  1. σi2 = σ2 Xi2
  2. σi2 = σ2 Xiα
  3. σi2 = σ2 exp(αXi)
Note that (1) is a special case of (2) in which α = 2; and (2) is equivalent to (3) if X is expressed in log form.

Copyright © Kuan-Pin Lin
Last updated: 10/30/2012