X(l) = (Xl-1)/l
Although the range of l can cover the whole real line, -2 £ l £ 2 is the area of interest in many econometric applications. If l = 2, it is the quadratic transformation. If l = 0.5, it is a square-root. A linear model corresponds to l = 1, and the logarithmic transformation is the limiting case that l -> 0 (by L'Hôspital's rule, liml->0(Xl-1)/l = ln(X)).
The value of power l may not be the same for each of the variables in the model. In particular, the dependent variable and independent variables as a group may take different Box-Cox transformations. Let a = (b,q,l)' be the vector of unknown parameters for a regression model:
e = F(Y,X,a) = Y(q) - X(l)b
Or, Equivalently,
Y(q) = X(l)b + e
where e ~ normal(0,s2I). The log-likelihood function is
ll(a,s2|Y,X) = -½N [ln(2p)+ln(s2)] -½ (e'e/s2) + (q-1)Si=1,2,...,Nln(|Yi|)
Note that for each data observation i, the Jacobian term is derived as Ji(q) = |¶ei/¶Yi| = |Yiq-1|. By substituting out s2 = e'e/N, the concentrated log-likelihood function is
ll*(a|Y,X) | = -½N [1+ln(2p)-ln(N)] -½N ln(e'e) + (q-1) Si=1,2,...,Nln(|Yi|) |
= -½N [1+ln(2p)-ln(N)]
-½N ln(e*'e*) where e* = e / [(|Y1||Y2|...|YN|)(q-1)/N] |
Given the values of Box-Cox transformation parameters q and l, a wide range of model specifications are possible. Of course, q and l should be estimated simultaneously with b. The efficient estimator of a = (b,q,l)' is obtained by maximizing the above concentrated log-likelihood function. It is equivalent to minimizing the sum of squared weighted errors:
S*(b|Y,X) = e*'e*,
where e* = we, and w = 1/[(|Y1||Y2|...|YN|)(q-1)/N].
Based on the estimated parameter vector a = (b,q,l)', a Box-Cox model is typically interpreted in terms of the elasticity. That is,
¶ln(Y)/¶ln(X) = (X/Y)(¶y/¶X) = (Xl/Yq)b
M(q) = b0 + b1 R(l) + b2 Y(l) + e
As described in Greene's Example 10.5 and Table 10.3, M is the real stock of M2, R is the discount interest rate, and Y is the real GNP. Several variations of the Box-Cox transformation parameters may be estimated and tested for the most appropriate functional form of money demand equation: