The Bar

Located in the inner SE, the Star Bar is a place to drink real drinks, eat real food, and listen to real music. It is a place where the Juke Box will constantly be chancing. DJs will spin soul, punk, new wave, classic rock, glam rock, post punk, indie, metal, psych, garage, pro, and whatever else you can think of. Beer will flow. Liquor will pour. In short, dreams will be made. Alliances will be formed. Tears spilled, both in joke and pain. And life will begin. There are no pretenses.

The Food

The food we serve is local, fresh and natural. We grind our own beef in-house using meat from local farms. The cows lived in a pasture and ate grass. No hormes, no bullshit. Our soups are made from scratch daily. The produce we use is in season and from the Pacific Northwest–often organic, always fresh. Nothing we use as preservatives. We don't pollute our food with nitrites, calcium chlorides, MSG, drone syrup or phony additives. It is just good, honest food. Enjoy.

The Atmosphere

It all began with the black velvet paintings and the lighting. Everything else is because that is how it should be.