Margaret Everett
Associate Professor of Anthropology
Portland State University
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Curriculum Vitae


Ph.D. (1995)                Yale University, Department of Anthropology
M.Phil. (1994)              Yale University, Department of Anthropology
B.A. (1990)                 Smith College, Latin American Studies (Magna Cum Laude)


Associate Professor of Anthropology and International Studies, Portland State University, 2002- present.
Assistant Professor of Anthropology and International Studies, Portland State University, 1996 to 2002.
Visiting Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Texas Tech University, 1995-1996.
Academic Director, Yale Summer Institute in International Studies, Yale University, 1995.
Instructor, Working at Teaching Program, Yale University, 1994-1995.
Teaching Fellow, Yale University, Department of Anthropology, 1991-1994.


Civic Capacity/FIPSE Mini-Grant, Department of Education Policy, Foundations, and Administrative Studies, PSU
Faculty Associate, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy (1998-1999)
Community-Based Learning Action Research Grant, Center for Academic Excellence, Portland State University (1998)
Faculty Development Grant for Summer Research, PSU (1997)
Learn and Serve Grant, Center for Academic Excellence, PSU (1997)
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Dissertation Fellowship (1994-1995)
Best Dissertation Award, New England Council for Latin American Studies (1995)
Best Paper, Northeastern Anthropological Association, Graduate Student Paper Competition (1995)
Henry Hart Rice Fellowship for Dissertation Research, Yale Center for International and Area Studies (1992-1993)
Graduate Fellowship, Yale University (1990-1994)


“Doing Bioethics: Challenges for Anthropology.” Human Organization. 65:1(2006): 46-54.
“Can You Keep a Genetic Secret? The Genetic Privacy Movement.” Journal of Genetic Counseling 13:4(2004): 273-292.
“The Gene Business: The Body as Property in the Biotech Century.” General Anthropology: Bulletin of the General Anthropology Division 9:2(2003): 1-5.
 “The Social Life of Genes: Privacy, Property and the New Genetics” Social Science and Medicine 56(2003): 53-65. Also Reprinted with Revisions in Information Ethics: Privacy, Property and Power, Adam Moore, ed. University of Washington, 2005.
 “Evictions and Human Rights: Land Disputes in Bogotá, Colombia.” Habitat International 25:4(October 2001): 1-19.
“Development Visions on the Urban Frontier.” Political and Legal Anthropology Review 21:2(November 1998): 1-10.
 “Latin America On-Line: The Internet, Development and Democratization.” Human Organization 57:4 (Winter 1998): 385-393.
“Memorias del Futuro: La Nostalgia y la Planeación Urbana.” In La Ciudad Observada: Violencia, Cultura y Política, Yesid Campos and Ismael Ortiz, eds. Bogotá: Tercer Mundo Editores, 1998, pages 439-462.
“The Real World: Teaching Anthropology as if it Mattered.” Practicing Anthropolgy 20:1(Winter 1998): 42-43.
“The Ghost in the Machine: Agency in ‘Poststructural’ Critiques of Development.” Anthropological Quarterly 70:3(July 1997): 137-151.


“In My Opinion: Cells are not my son, but still deserve dignity.” Oregonian, June 2, 1999.
“Evictions and Human Rights in Colombia.” Landlines: Newsletter of the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy 11:6(November 1999): 6-8.
“Jack’s Life: Reflections on Motherhood in Troubling Times” Focal Point: A National Bulletin on Family Support and Children’s Mental Health 13:1(Fall 1999): 19-20.
“Evictions and Human Rights: An Ethnographic Study of Development and Land Disputes in Bogotá, Colombia.” Lincoln Institute Research Report. Cambridge, MA: Lincoln Institute for Land Policy, 1999 (30 pages).
With Maria Antonia de Obregón and Nelson Ramírez. “Boceto para un Retrato de Mario Calderón.” Magazin Dominical, El Espectador 745(24 August 1997): 4-6.


“The ‘I’ in the Gene: The Making of a Genetic Privacy Law.” Paper presented to the Society for Applied Anthropology, Annual Meeting, Santa Fe, NM, March 2005.
“How Can You Patent Genes?” Presentation to the Oregon Archeological Association, Oregon Museum of Science and Industry, May 2005.
The Body as Property in the Biotech Century.” Paper presented to the Society for Applied Anthropology, Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon, March 2003.
“Gene Wars: ‘Embodiment’ and the Commodification of DNA.” Paper presented to the Society for Applied Anthropology, Annual Meeting, Atlanta, March 2002.
“Whose Genes are they, Anyway?  Debating Genetic Privacy in Oregon.”  Paper presented to the American Anthropological Association, Annual Meeting, San Francisco, November 2000.
“Losing House and Home: Evictions and Human Rights in Bogotá, Colombia.” Paper presented at the University of Washington, Faculty Colloquium, Department of Anthropology, October 2000.
 “Memories of the Future: Elite Nostalgia and City Planning.” Paper Presented at the American Anthropological Association Meetings, Washington, D.C., November 1997.
 “The Execution of José Raimundo Russi: Order and Chaos in Nineteenth Century Bogotá.” Paper presented at the Latin American Studies Association Congress, Guadalajara, Mexico, April 1997.
“ The Internet, Development and Democratization.” Paper presented at the PCLAS/RMCLAS Conference, San Diego, February 1997.
“Development and Ecology on Bogotá’s Urban Frontier.” Paper presented to the American Anthropological Association, Washington, D.C., November 1995.
 “The Other City: Exploring the Urban Frontier.” Paper Presented to the Agrarian Studies Colloquium Series, Yale University, April 1995.
“Pirates, Priests and Squatters: Land and Violence in Bogotá, Colombia.” Paper presented at the Northeastern Anthropological Association Meetings, April 1995.
“Identity and Autonomy in Neighborhood-based Social Movements in Bogotá, Colombia.” Paper presented at the Latin American Studies Association Congress, March 1994.


Scholastic Standards Committee (2005-2006)
Ad Hoc Graduate Education Committee (2003-2004)
Center for Academic Excellence Advisory Board (2002-2004)
Child and Family Services Advisory Board (2003-2005)
University Curriculum Committee (1999-2001)
Internship Coordinator, Anthropology Department (1996-present)
Promotion and Tenure Committee, Anthropology Department (1996-present)

Graduate Student Committees
Chair, Clara Ellis-Cronk, M.A., Anthropology (Fall 2005)
Grad Office Rep, John Westerman, Ph.D. Colloquium, Urban Studies (Spring 2005)
Grad Office Representative, Sammy Shaw, M.A., Sociology (Fall 2005)
Grad Office Representative, Bryon Clayton, Geography (Spring 2005)
Chair, Sarah Johnson, Anthropology (Spring 2004)
Graduate Office Representative, Joshua Bass, Sociology (Spring 2004)
Member, Alex Gall, MA, Anthropology (2001)
Chair, Jennifer Amiott, M.A., Anthropology (1999)
Graduate Office Representative, Maria Hopple, Ph.D., Urban Studies (1999)
Member, Rick Van Orten, Ph.D., Public Administration (2001)
Graduate Office Representative, Bianca Tendenick, M.A., English (1997)
Member, Catherine Dubois, M.A., Anthropology (1997)


Genetic Research Advisory Committee (GRAC), (1999-2000)
Genetics Planning Advisory Council, Oregon Health Division (2001)
Oregon Advisory Committee on Genetic Privacy and Research (2001-2005)

Interviews and Testimony
Testified before Oregon Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on genetic privacy legislation (SB 114), January 31, 2001.
Interviewed by Amanda Onion,, for the story “Should You Own Your Genes?”, May 8, 2001.
Interviewed by NHK, Japan Broadcasting Corporation for story on genetic privacy, May 18, 2001.
Interviewed for KBOO Radio for story on Senate Bill 114, March 21, 2001.
Interviewed for “Our Bodies, Our Cells?” by John Kirkland, PSU Magazine, Fall 2000, pp. 8-10.
Interviewed for OPB Oregon Considered, “Your Genes” by Nancy Solamon, May 12, 2000.
Panelist, OPB call-in show on genetic privacy, March 13, 2000.


Manuscript review:
Journal of Genetic Counseling
International Reviewers Panel, Medical Science Monitor
American Journal of Pharmacogenomics
Mayfield Publishers
Anthropological Quarterly
Social Science and Medicine
National Science Foundation

Conference Participation
Chair, Panel “Issues in Health Policy.” Society for Applied Anthropology, Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon, March 2003.
Member, Planning Committee for the Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meeting, Portland, OR, March 2003.
Organizer and Chair, Panel “The Politics of Memory: Identity, Representation and Social Change.” American Anthropological Association Meetings, Washington, D.C., November 1997.
Organizer and Chair, Panel “New Perspectives on Liberalism and Neoliberalism in Latin America.”  Latin American Studies Association Congress, Guadalajara, Mexico, April 1997.
Organizer and Chair, APLA Invited Session, “State-Making at the Fringes of Development.” American Anthropological Association Meetings, Washington, D.C., November 1995.
Discussant, Paper by Bucylimwe Mararo, “Land, Power, and Ethnic Conflicts in Muvunyi-Kibabi, Masisi,” presented at the Agrarian Studies Colloquium Series, “Hinterlands, Frontiers, Cities and States,” Yale University, March 24, 1995.


Spanish: Fluent speaking, reading and writing ability.
Portuguese: Reading ability, some speaking and writing ability.


American Anthropological Association
Society for Applied Anthropology
Society for Medical Anthropology