Vampire Diaries

gilbert ring vampire diaries


how to

First you must inherit, steal, or borrow a gaudy ring of a large size. This ring is enchanted by Emily Bennett, and ancestor of our favorite witch Bonnie Bennett. If you are killed by a supernatural creature of any sort while wearing this, you are in luck! You are only temporarily dead.


You don’t die from supernatural causes! Or at least, you get to come back to life if you die from supernatural causes, such as being stabbed by a vampire. Keep in mind, if you get in an accident caused by a nonsupernatural being than the ring is ineffective.

side effects

You must pass through the anchor to “The Other Side” (a purgatory for supernatural beings) after dying, and then find the location of your body to resurrect yourself. Each time you do this, you will end up farther and farther away from your body, taking longer to find your way back to the real world.
After doing this several times, you might start to go a little crazy. You might find yourself losing time and accidentally trying to kill your friends. Don’t worry, this is perfectly normal. It is only the darkest parts of your subconscious taking over your body in a murderous way. You may make weird alliances or hide objects from yourself.


Alaric Saltzman, history teacher, town day drinker, and vampire hunter, dies a handful of times and goes a little crazy. His alter ego actually stabs himself to throw his friends off his trail. The “town day drinker” detail probably helped as a cover for his blackouts.