Note-Taking Guide
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For analyzing the US Constitution and the Great Law of Peace
Directions: As you read, use this note-taking guide to record and organize information about each document. Then, use the information to compare the Great Law of Peace and the US Constitution.
Title and source of the document. What
type of document is it? Point
of View Information
Based on the knowledge you already have, how do you interpret the information in the document? How does it add to or change your perspective? Is it credible? Why or why not? What questions does it raise? Using
the Information |
guide was adapted from a note-taking guide developed
for the American Memory Fellows Program.
American Memory: The Learning Page
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2 | Lesson 3 | Lesson
4 | Frontier
Learning Aids | Great
Law of Peace | US Constitution | Timeline
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© 1 October 2001, Portland State University