
A brief course description is on the Home page and below.

The Calendar page has the daily activities and assignments.

The midterm exam review sheet is copied below.

An updated list of assignments will be kept here:

Homework #1 (see Day 1) - Problems from Chapter 1
Homework #2 (see Day 3) - Problems from Chapter 4

Lab #1 - Solar Cells (see Day 2)
Lab #2 - Wind Experiments (see Day 3)
Lab #3 - Grätzel Cells (see Day 4)
Lab #4 - LED Experiments (see Day 6)

Journal Contents:

Journal Starters (see Day 2)
All lab write-ups (see above)
Individual project outline (see Day 4)

Late assignments will be accepted, with deductions for lateness after Day 8.
(10% each day after due date )

Midterm Exam Review Sheet

Thursday, July 19, 1:00 - 2:30 pm

Readings: Textbook - Chapters 1, 4, 5; Chemistry in Context - Chapter 8
Handouts / Lectures: energy units, solar characteristics, artificial photosynthesis
Papers: Grätzel cell experiment, electric cars
Labs: solar cells, wind experiments, Gratzel cells, LEDs
Projects: class (solar panels), basic science, implementation, politics/economics, education

* indicates a major emphasis

Textbook (Energy and the Environment)

Chapter 1

* types of energy
* energy units (handout)
* interconversions
* renewable / nonrenewable / conservation

Chapter 4

* solar energy resources (handout)
* solar collection / passive
thermal electric
* photovoltaics

Chapter 5

oceans - thermal / tides

Chemistry in Context, Chapter 8

water to hydrogen
fuel cells / batteries
* photovoltaics, semiconductors

Laboratory Experiments

* 1 - solar cells
light to electric to kinetic energy
2 - wind experiments
* 3 - Grätzel cells
artificial photosynthesis, power curves
* 4 - LEDs
crystals, diffraction, conductivity, temperature effects


* Class - solar panel installation
* Basic Science
* Implementation
* Politics/Economics
* Education

Basic Course Information
Course title - Solar Energy Technology Education
Course number - SCI 322U / CH 410 / CH 510
Course dates - Jul 2, 2001 through Jul 30, 2001
Location - SB2-469
Meeting day(s) - Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu
Meeting time(s) - 1:00 - 3:50 pm

Instructor Information
Name - Dr. Carl C. Wamser
Email -
Office location - SB1-327A
Office hours - 10:30 - 12:30 daily (during July)
Phone - (503) 725-4261
Biography - See my home page at:
Teaching assistants - Brian Leigh , Matt Stevens
Textbook - Energy and the Environment, R. A. Ristinen & J.J. Kraushaar, Wiley