Department of Geology – Portland State University
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G 200 Field Studies -- Mt. St. Helens North

Fall 2018

Alex Ruzicka

       A. Ruzicka


Course information (G200 Sec 001) 

    Syllabus.  (posted 9/22/2018, corrected and revised posted 9/26/2018, revised second time and posted 10/2/2018) 

    Term project.  (posted 9/22/2018)

    Field Trip workbook.  (posted 10/2/2018)

    Powerpoint Handout. Handouts for the Powerpoint I will present in the pre-trip meeting are available from the d2l G200-001 course shell in PSU School Tools.  (posted 10/11/2018)

Geology guides

    Geology Guide to Mt. St. Helens field trip north. (posted 9/22/2018). This is background information, prepared by Professor Scott Burns, on the geology for the route we will be following, but is not meant to list the actual stops we will be making.  The actual stops will be given in the Field Trip workbook (see Course Information).

    Geology Guide to Mt. St. Helens lava tubes.  (posted 9/22/2018). This is a field guide to lava tubes in the Mt. St. Helens area prepared by Jack Hyde and Ronald Greeley.

    Geology guide to the Boring lava volcanics. (Posted 9/22/2018). This is a field guide to the Boring Lava volcanics in the Portland area, prepared by Evarts et al. (2009), Geological Society of America publication.



Mt. St. Helens eruption, May 1980
On May 18, 1980, Mt. St. Helens erupted and blew off it's top portion, the most dramatic volcanic eruption to have been recorded in the United States. 

Last Updated:  October 11, 2018