ALife's Role in the Group Selection Debate 

Alife VII  Workshop

Reed College, Portland, OR, August 2000

Coordinators: Jeff Fletcher and Athena Aktipis

Workshop Summary

Presenters (in talk order)

Michael Wade 
Interactions in Metapopulations: Effects on Adaptation and Diversity

Leticia Aviles 
Modeling the Evolution of Sex Ratios and Other Traits Subject to Selection at Multiple Levels 

Jeff Fletcher (with Martin Zwick)
N-Player Prisoner's Dilemma in Multiple Groups: A Model of Multilevel Selection 

Athena Aktipis 
The Effect of Behavioral Assortment on Selection Dynamics: Externalities, Information Processing and Subjective Commitment 

Joshua Mitteldorf  (with David Sloan Wilson)
Population Viscosity and the Evolution of Altruism 

John Pepper
An Agent-Based Model of Group Selection 

Richard Michod (with Denis Roze)  (was not able to present)
A Multi-level Selection Theory of Evolutionary Transitions in Individuality