Portland Dialect Study (PDS)


Guest lecture for LING 407 Fall 2011

By Jeff Conn connjc@pdx.edu


Some cool dialect websites:


http://aschmann.net/AmEng/ - Various compilations of research by Rick Aschmann

who is not necessarily a sociolinguist but has built a cool website with lots of info and sound files!


http://www.ling.upenn.edu/phono_atlas/home.html - Labov’s Phonological Atlas webpage

with some info about the Atlas of North American English which is at our library

at PE2808 .L26 2006 (reference so can’t check it out)


English in the Pacific NW from Univ of WA http://www.artsci.washington.edu/NWenglish/


International Database of English Archive (IDEA) http://web.ku.edu/~idea/




Standardized Reading Passages here

Labov’s historical word classes here


Acoustic Phonetics:

Good Phonetics site: http://www.uiowa.edu/~acadtech/phonetics/#


Good tutorial on spectrograms at Rob Hagiwara’s webpage






Download guest lecture here