BA 301 Research & Analysis of Business Problems

Winter 2011

Professor Nobles

Main Course Page - All Sections


General Information

Welcome to BA 301 for the Winter term of 2010/2011.  I've created this web site as a central resource for the course.  After the first class, most of the materials needed for day-to-day class activities will be available on this site.  I'm trying to save a few trees, so you can access the latest versions of these documents right here (look further down this page).  I won't hand most of them out in class.  I will also update the site often, so I would encourage you to visit the site at least once a week.  Since I am teaching three sections of the course this term, most of what I've written is generic.  There may occasionally be special notes and instructions for your particular section.  You can find those on your section page.  Links to those pages are shown below.

As described in  the syllabus, there are no big exams in this class, only two quizzes.  There are homework assignments and an end-of-term project.  Most of these have their own instructions.  I would encourage you to look at the instructions early in the term so you can plan your work.  The concepts in this class are not particularly difficult, but they can be time consuming.  I promise you, if you keep up with the work, do the reading, and come to class and participate in your groups, you'll do fine in this class.  Don't get behind!

And - if you have questions - come see me or send me an email.  If office hours don't work, we can set up another time that's more convenient.

Section Notes & Information

        Section 001 - MW 0800-0950       

        Section 002 - MW 1215-1405

        Section 004 - T 1740-2120

Week 8 (Week of 2/21/11)

Gantt Project

Twiddlebit Plan

Mac Gantt Software

This will be the last lecture week for the class.  Homework #3 is due this week, and it does require that you prepare an outline for your paper.  If you haven't done outlines before now, I think you will find that the exercise helps to structure your writing before actually writing the final version.  Follow the instructions on the assignment.

Also, as mentioned last week, you'll need to have a draft of your paper ready for student review in week 9 (Wednesday for day sections).

The is no class next Monday, Feb. 28, as I will be returning from out-of-town.

Please make sure that if you have any questions about the comments made on your problem statements from Homework #2, send me an email, see me after class, or come check in with me during my office hours.  The more precise you make your problem statement, the better your paper, at least from my experience.

Link to Xmind - for mind-mapping and fishbone software.

Link to the MSDN sign-up page, if you want to get some of that free Microsoft software.

Here's the data for Activity B (from the class demographic survey):  Survey Data

Download the questions for Research Activity A here.

Here's the link to the Spinning Woman website.  Show your friends!  There is debate about the left brain/right brain aspect of this - but it's still fun.

The research paper is not something you should do in the last few days of the term, at least in my opinion.  Strong writing and research skills are required for this class, for graduation from the School of Business Administration, and for the careers you expect to have as a result of your degree.  If you feel that your writing skills are not very strong, or that you are rusty, there are plenty of places to go for help.  At the least, come and talk with me.  If you didn't already know about it, the school has an excellent Writing Center.  You pay for that as part of your tuition - why not use it?  If you start early and follow the recommended steps, I think that you'll find that the paper can be an interesting project.  It requires a specific format - check out and use the template.  I've also written this to provide some additional guidance.  And, you may wish to check out the Ballenger book.

Class Text

      Text for the class by Kristi Yuthas

Class Lecture Notes

      Intro Lecture PDF

      Position - All Sections


      Data Analysis (All Parts)






Course Documents

For simplicity and compatibility, all of these documents were created with Microsoft Word 2003 and standard fonts.  Please let me know if you have any trouble downloading or opening these documents.

        Course Syllabus

        Quiz #1 Questions

        Quiz #2 Questions

The Term Paper is due on the last day of class.  The Instructions and Template provide some formatting and structural guidance for this paper.  Your task is to choose a corporation from the Fortune 200 list,  research that company, identify some problems that they currently face, choose one to focus on, and then apply the lessons from the class to develop a solution .  You need to choose your company by the second week of class. Some companies from the list are not available - please see the list below, or ask me. I would encourage you to review these documents early in the term, just in case you have any questions.

        Research Paper Instructions

        Research Paper Template

        Term Paper Unavailable Companies

You will do a great deal of work in groups during class.  This document includes specific suggestions for how best to accomplish and organize the group work.  You will collect and turn in all of your group work.  I will talk more about this in class. 

        Group Management Suggestions

Also, you will need the specific instructions for each daily activity.  Download this and bring  it to class every day.  This is IMPORTANT.

        Daily Group Activity Instructions (Download this during the first week of class)

Homework assignments are due throughout the term.    See the Assignment Notes or the Class Schedule for the specific due date for your section.  Homework will be collected.  Trust me, keep up on the homework and everything else will go much more smoothly.  I'll try to remind you about assignment due dates - but it's really up to you to keep track of them.

        Homework #1 Assignment Notes

        Homework #2 Assignment Notes

        Homework #3 Assignment Notes

        Personal Information Sheet (handed out in the first class)

Microsoft Excel is a great tool for data manipulation and analysis.  Two of the assignments include Excel projects.  Data for these portions of the homework assignments are linked below.

        Fun With Excel Instructions (Office 2003 Version)

        Fun With Excel Instructions (Office 2007 Version)

        Fun With Excel Data


Other Links


        Global Reporting Initiative Web Site


        PSU Library


        Wikipedia List of Cognitive Biases