“Our House” Questions
Part 2
Read Page 14-15 Air Pollution
1) How is our oxygen supply
constantly renewed?
2) Describe the
“greenhouse effect”. What is our concern with that?
3) What are the major
pollutants in Oregon and what causes them?
4) What are 4 things that you
personally can do to reduce air pollution?
Take the Air Quality IQ quiz
How many did you get right
(without cheating)?_______
Pages 16-17 Trash
How many pounds of trash did Oregonians recycle in 1998? ________________
What percentage of trash in Oregon is plastic? __________, food? ________
? _________ paper ? _________
How can you keep food scraps from being wasted completely?
What is compost useful for?
5) Name four ways that you
can reduce the amount of waste in your lunch.
Pages 18-19 Energy
1) What are the problems with
hydroelectric dams?
2) What are two problems with
using fossil fuels for energy?
3) Name two renewable energy
4) Name 4 ways the you
can reduce energy use
Pgs 20-21 Global Warming
How much has the temperature warmed since 1900? ________ When were the 10
warmest years?____________________
Name the 10 signs of global
warming a briefly explain each
Pgs 22-24 Watersheds
1) What is a watershed?
2) What temperature should a
healthy stream be?
3) What is a riparian zone?
4) What are the benefits of a
healthy riparian zone?