Chemistry 332 - Spring 1996
Elements of Organic Chemistry II
Professor Carl C. Wamser
EXAM 2 - May 16, 1996
Average - 54%
A : 78 - 83 (3)
A-: 74 - 77 (4)
B+: 71 - 73 (5)
B : 59 - 70 (19)
B-: 57 - 58 (2)
C+: 54 - 56 (6)
C : 46 - 53 (17)
C-: 42 - 45 (9)
D : 34 - 41 (8)
F < 34 (8)
Subtotals after 2 exams
Maximum 260
Average 131
A : over 200 (77%)
B : over 160 (61%)
C : over 120 (46%)
D : over 80 (31%)
F : under 80
How to use this information:
1) Locate your current class standing by adding up your two exam scores
plus all quiz scores.
2) Locate the score needed for the grade you really want to get .
3) Let's assume 2) is higher than 1)
The difference in points represents the approximate amount you need to catch
4) For example, if you have 180 points, and you are aiming for an A, you
need to do A work on the remainder of the exams, specifically catching up
about 20 points above the minimum A scores on the remaining exams.
(If you have 180 points and are aiming for a B, you must avoid losing 20
points under the minimum B scores.)
5) We have one exam, a final, and three quizzes left, worth 330 points.
We're not even halfway through the course, pointwise - so there is plenty
of room to catch up. Furthermore, scores that are improving make it easier
to give the benefit of the doubt in borderline cases.
6) Go for it - and ask for help when you need it.