Department of Chemistry, Portland State University

Chem 332 -- Spring 1996
Elements of Organic Chemistry II
Professor Carl C. Wamser

Ref. No. 60453
Tues & Thurs 4:30 - 6:10 pm
Harrison Hall

Office: Science Building 1, Room 327A
Office Hours: MTWRF 11 - 12

Textbook (required): "Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry," 3rd edition, by John McMurry. A Study Guide is also available. Molecular model kits are sold in the PSU Bookstore and are strongly recommended for visualizing molecular structures.

Class Schedule (attached): We will cover Chapters 9 - 17 from the textbook, with lectures corresponding approximately to the chapter designations in the schedule.
You should do the reading before the corresponding lecture.

Computer Access: Many of the elements of this course will be made available on the World-Wide Web. The home page for this course can be reached on the Internet at . Internet access is available from PSU computer labs, or from home if you have a computer modem.

E-Mail: A class List Server is available for e-mail questions and answers (see the Chem 332 Home Page for information on signing up). I can be reached for personal e-mail at . I read my e-mail daily and respond promptly. If you don't get a reply within 24 hours, try again.

Homework assignments: Homework assignments for each chapter will be provided. There will be problems from the text, for which complete solutions and extra assistance are provided in the Study Guide. There will also be problems that will be similar to those on quizzes and exams. All problems are open for discussion in class just before the quiz, or at any time on the class List Server. The reserve area in the library will keep a complete set of all handouts and answer keys. Although it will not be possible to collect and grade the homework, the homework assignments will be extremely important to you, since they provide the only way to determine how well-prepared you are for exams and quizzes. Practicing working on problems is the only way to learn organic chemistry.

Quizzes: There will be a 10-15 minute quiz covering the material of each chapter. The quiz will be given at the beginning of the class, but some time will be allotted for going over questions from the homework before the quiz. Each quiz will be worth 10 points, on the same scale as exam points. The lowest score of the nine quizzes will be dropped. There will be no make-up quizzes.

Exams: There will be three midterm exams, worth 100 points each, and a final exam, worth 200 points, given in class according to the schedule indicated. Missing an exam will require a written medical excuse, in which case an appropriate fraction of the final exam will be substituted for the missed exam. There will be no make-up exams. Note the final exam is scheduled later than indicated in the published PSU Class Schedule.

Grading: The final course grade will be determined by total points accumulated. The maximum is 580, based on the sum of exams plus quizzes, as outlined above.

Miscellaneous: University policy will be strictly followed with respect to course withdrawal, academic honesty, and related subjects. Please ask the instructor or consult the latest PSU Bulletin if you have any questions.

Tentative Schedule

Date Topic Quiz

Tu, Apr 2 Ch 13 - Structure Determination
Th, Apr 4 Ch 13 - Structure Determination

Tu, Apr 9 Ch 13 - Structure Determination
Th, Apr 11 Ch 9 - Carbonyl Compounds Q13

Tu, Apr 16 Ch 9 - Carbonyl Compounds
Th, Apr 18 Ch 10 - Carboxyl Derivatives Q9

Tu, Apr 23 Ch 10 - Carboxyl Derivatives
Th, Apr 25 Ch 11 - Condensation Reactions Q10

Tu, Apr 30 EXAM 1, Chapters 13, 9, 10
Th, May 2 Ch 12 - Amines

Tu, May 7 Ch 14 - Carbohydrates Q11
Th, May 9 Ch 14 - Carbohydrates Q12

Tu, May 14 Ch 15 - Proteins Q14
Th, May 16 EXAM 2, Chapters 11, 12, 14

Tu, May 21 Ch 15 - Proteins
Th, May 23 Ch 16 - Nucleic Acids Q15

Tu, May 28 Ch 17 - Metabolism Q16
Th, May 30 Ch 17 - Metabolism Q17

Tu, June 4 EXAM 3, Chapters 15 - 17
Th, June 6 Review

EXAM 1: Chapters 13, 9, 10, Tuesday, April 30
EXAM 2: Chapters 11, 12, 14, Thursday, May 16
EXAM 3: Chapters 15 - 17, Tuesday, June 4
FINAL EXAM: Chapters 9 - 17, Thursday, June 13, 3:30 - 5:30 pm