Chemistry 331 - Winter 1996
Elements of Organic Chemistry I

Quiz, Chapter 1 - Bonding

1. (1 point each) Identify the expected hybridization of all the carbon atoms in the following compounds:
a) urea

b) vinyl alcohol

c) carbon dioxide

2. (2 points each) Write complete structures (Lewis or Kekule), including all lone pairs, for two different compounds with the formula C2H4O.
(Extra credit - There is a third isomer.)

3. (3 points) In the reaction below, identify the acid and the base on each side of the equation and predict whether the reaction will be preferred to the right or to the left.

pKa values are:
CH3OH 15.5
H2O 15.7
H3O+ -1.7

H3O+ is the stronger acid, so the reaction will be favored to the left.