know the terminology:
allylic / vinylic carbons
regiochemistry / regioselectivity
syn / anti additions
oxidation / reduction reactions
know the rules:
Markovnikov Rule for addition to double bonds
Zaitsev Rule for elimination reactions
IUPAC rules for alkyne nomenclature
understand the naming of reaction types (what happens?)
e.g., hydrogenation, dehydration, dehydrohalogenation, etc.
understand the typical manner of displaying organic reactions
(reactants, reagents, solvents, conditions, products)
understand why electron-donating groups stabilize a carbocation
recognize that the Markovnikov Rule is based on carbocation stability
(more highly substituted carbocations are favored)
recognize that the Zaitsev Rule is based on alkene stability
(more highly substituted alkenes are favored)
recognize conjugated dienes and polyenes
understand the effects of conjugation in stabilizing a pi system
(conjugated dienes are more stable but also more reactive than simple alkenes)
(allylic carbocations are more stable than simple alkyl carbocations)
understand the implications of alkyne structure
(two orthogonal pi bonds, linear, no cis-trans isomerism)
understand the significance of resonance and resonance hybrid structures
(see the five rules in your textbook)
understand the free radical chain mechanism for polymerization
(initiation, propagation, termination steps)
generate IUPAC names for compounds with double and triple bonds
use the Markovnikov Rule to predict addition products
use the Zaitsev Rule to predict elimination products
write or recognize specific instances of the reactions of alkenes and alkynes:
addition of HX
addition of water
addition of halogen (anti)
addition of hydrogen (syn)
oxidative addition (to a diol)
oxidative cleavage (by KMnO4 or ozone)
acid-base reactions of 1-alkynes
alkyne anions (acetylides) as nucleophiles in substitution reactions
write or recognize specific instances of elimination reactions:
removal of HX from an alkyl halide (KOH in EtOH)
dehydration of an alcohol (H2SO4)
write mechanisms for any of the above reactions, specifically illustrating any intermediates, regiochemistry or stereochemistry
write a mechanism that illustrates both 1,2 and 1,4 additions
use an appropriate reaction or sequence of reactions to create a target molecule