Chapter 1 - Bonding & Structure
Practice Exercises

Lewis Structures

Molecular Orbitals
Draw the atomic orbitals that create one of the C-H bonds in methane.
Draw the atomic orbitals that create the double bond in ethylene.
Identify the hybridization of every carbon atom in allene.

Draw the 3-dimensional structure of allene.
Identify the hybridization of every carbon atom in the following:

Write an accurate 3-D structure for the above compound.
Organic Structures
How many isomers exist for the following molecular formulas?

Are the following correct structures?

Are the following the same or different compounds?

For each of the following reactions, describe the reaction type.
That is, what happened? Identify bonds broken and bonds made.

Polar Bonds
Describe the polarity of each of the bonds in the following molecules.

Write the chemical equation showing the reaction of methanol as an acid.
Also write the mathematical equation defining the pKa of methanol in
terms of concentrations. (The pKa of methanol is 15.5)
Write the chemical equation for hydroxide acting as a base towards methanol.
For the reaction you just drew, is it favored to the right or left?
Reflection/preparation for next class
a) Make a list of the skills you believe are important to obtain from
Chapter 1, organized according to the cognitive levels:
1) Knowledge (e.g., terminology)
2) Concepts
3) Applications
4) Analysis & higher
b) Are you confident with your abilities with each of the skills?
Make a list of questions and problems to be addressed next time.
c) Create a good exam question from Chapter 1.