Organic Chemistry III

Professor Carl C. Wamser

Chem 336 - Spring 2008

Chapter 27 Notes

Amino Acids & Proteins

Amino Acids

Side Chains

(also note that tyrosine is a phenol)

Acid-Base Properties of the Amino Acids

The Isoelectric Point


Peptides - Amino Acids joined by Amide Bonds


Amino Acid Residues

Disulfide Linkages

Amino Acid Analysis

Partial Hydrolysis of Peptides

Peptide Sequencing

Peptide Synthesis

Proteins - Natural Polypeptides

Conjugated Proteins are asociated with other types of molecules

Protein Shapes

Protein Functions

Protein Structure - Primary Structure

Protein Secondary Structure

Protein Tertiary Structure

Protein Quaternary Structure

Enzymes - Protein Catalysts

Chymotrypsin - A Specific Example of a Proteolytic Enzyme