Organic Chemistry III

Professor Carl C. Wamser

Chapter 23,24 Pre-Quiz

(must be done in WebCT before Mon., May 3, 8:30 am)

1. Aryl halides that can be prepared via a diazonium ion include

a. aryl fluorides  
b. aryl chlorides  
c. aryl bromides  
d. aryl iodides  
* e. all of the above

2. Consider the reactivity of 1-fluoro-m,n-dinitrobenzenes towards nucleophiles. The reactivity order would be

a. 2,4- > 3,5- > 2,3-  
* b. 2,4- > 2,3- > 3,5-  
c. 3,5- > 2,4- > 2,3-  
d. 2,3- > 2,4- > 3,5-  
e. 2,3- > 3,5- > 2,4-

3. The strongest acid in the list below is

a. o-nitrophenol  
b. m-nitrophenol  
c. p-nitrophenol  
d. 3,5-dinitrophenol  
* e. 2,4-dintrophenol

4. The Kolbe synthesis involves addition of a phenolate anion to

a. aspirin  
b. a carboxylic acid  
c. a carboxylate anion  
* d. carbon dioxide  
e. phenol

5. Coenzyme Q-10 is a common nutritional supplement. Q is for "quinone" and 10 represents the

a. total number of carbons in the compound  
b. total number of carbons in the side chain  
* c. number of isoprene units in the side chain  
d. vitamin number  
e. total number of methyl groups